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BFE Members Code of Conduct


BFE aims to create an environment where all our members feel welcome and are able to fully participate and contribute.


We have adopted an Equality and Diversity Policy that aims to foster inclusion, and we adhere to the BFI Set of Principles designed to combat bullying and harassment.



All Members


Upon joining the association, all members of BFE, regardless of their membership level are required to:


  • Treat all BFE members, staff and their guests with courtesy and respect, whether at events, in person, or online. This includes avoiding gossip, slurs, threatening, inflammatory and harassing conversations, whether aimed at individuals or organisations.


  • Behave in a professional manner and be responsible for the behaviour of their own guests at all events organised by BFE, be it in person or online.


  • Respect the rules of all individuals, companies, or organisations who put on screenings, Q&A sessions and other events, on the understanding that these are private events to which BFE members are invited as guests and not a right of participation.


BFE Social Media Sites Code of Conduct

(All public and private BFE groups on Facebook, Twitter or other social media sites, including BFE inter-governor communications)


We expect members to use social media wisely and to uphold the same standards of behaviour that we would in person.


This includes:


  • Exercising restraint in the use of offensive or aggressive language, whether directed to an individual or an organisation.


  • Refraining from divulging private information about another member or soliciting that information from others.


  • Only publish media (film, music, photographs or other digital products) on our social media channels if legal to do so or authorised by the copyright’s holder.



Any member seen to have broken this Code of Conduct in any way will be subject to review and may face disciplinary action, including suspension or termination of their membership.


BFE Governors, contributors and Volunteers


Members who take on official roles within the association whether paid or voluntary, should see themselves as representing the association and therefore are expected to be particularly mindful of their behaviour and language, in both internal and outward facing communications.


Governors and Associate Governors are expected to act with integrity and in the best interest of the association and to take the lead on upholding the code of conduct as laid out above.

Moreover when interacting on social media on behalf of BFE, the administration would be grateful if members could use at least their first name so that they can be identified.



Complaint Procedure


We believe that all our members will have no difficulty in following the proposed code of conduct and support our aim to create an equitable environment.


Should there be any reasons for concerns, members are able to bring this to the attention of the BFE administration by following our Complaint Procedure

Copyright © 2025, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is: 
Devonshire house, 582 Honeypot Lane, Stanmore Middlesex HA7 1JS

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